This free app lets you keep track of your symptoms and helps you understand what your assessment scores mean. You can also share your scores with your doctor.
The assessment scores used by the app are recognised by rheumatologists world-wide. We use data from a study of nearly 3000 people with AS to help you compare your scores with others. We also use validated MCID (minimal clinically important differences) so that you can know if your scores have changed significantly from the last assessment.
We are interested in helping to improve management of AS by contributing to research. This is an area under development. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.
App features include:
- Assess how severe your symptoms are
- See your scores on a chart
- Understand what your scores mean
- Keep a record of your blood tests
- Share your progress with your doctor
- Set reminders
- Create an account to back up your data and use on multiple devices
- Record BASDAI, BASFI, spinal pain, ASDAS, flare, ESR and CRP
- Take part in research questionnaires